Yunomi Invitational 1: Teapots + Yunomi
Friday, August 4th, 2023
Available 10:00 am CST, ONLINE ONLY
For their 17th Yunomi show, we are brewing up something new and having a two-part show. On August 4th, we will be featuring the work of these 47 artists who have sent along a teapot with their 6 Yunomi.
A: Clarice Allgood, Chris Alveshere, B: Posey Bacopoulos, Casey Beck, Jessica Brandl, Wesley T. Brown, Amanda Bury, C: Victoria Christen, Mike Cinelli, Bede Clarke, Jenn Cole, Guillermo Cuellar, D: Nick DeVries, Josh DeWeese, Audra Doughty E: Ruth Easterbrook G: Stuart Gair, Seth Green H: Jason Hartsoe, Mike Helke, Samantha Hostert J: Peter Jadoonath, Tom Jaszczak, Samuel Johnson, Shikha Joshi L: Keok Lim M: Adam Meistrell, Ernest Miller, Andres Montenegro, Ryan Myers N: Ted Neal, Nom Ceramics (Rebeca & Scott Proctor) P: Liz Pechacek, Doug Peltzman R: Justin Rothshank S: Masa Sasaki, Brad Schweiger, Yoko Sekino-Bové, Ellen Shankin, Hitomi Shibata, Takuro Shibata, Joe Singewald, Chad Steve, David Swenson W: Kurt Brian Webb, Betsy Williams Y: Shumpei Yamaki